Crystal Knowledge: Flower Agate

Written by: Christin Ritz

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

First the crocuses bloomed, next the daffodils, then the tulips and lilacs... and now the flower agate! Cloudy pink or peach with mysterious floral formations inside, flower agate is sometimes mistaken for a fossil, but those "flowers" are actually chalcedony inclusions, just another example of the fractals Mother Nature has placed everywhere for us to try and figure out. Flower agate was only discovered in 2018 so it is extremely new as far as minerals go. It comes from Madagascar, a hotbed of amazing and unique crystals. Resonating with the heart, sacral and root chakras, it seems to bring a connection between those three energy centers. It exposes the pain we hold deep inside, allowing us to see the present moment, heal, release and "bloom" into our true selves, following our heart's desires.

Pink chalcedony is known for bringing a comforting feeling of interconnectedness and carnelian (an orange-red variety of agate) for replacing negative emotions with love, so flower agate is the perfect marriage of these two healing stones.