
Crystal Knowledge: Solar Power for the Summer Solstice

Written by: Emma Sullivan

The summer solstice is one of the most powerful days of the year. Because it’s the longest day of the year, it’s also the one with the most solar power. Use your crystals to empower, attract positive energy and amplify your manifestations. If you don’t already have these in your collection, we recommend Sunstone, Golden Healer Quartz, Orange Calcite and Citrine.

Left to right: Sunstone, Golden Healer Quartz, Orange Calcite and Citrine


What better crystal to connect with the solstice than the one named after the sun? Sunstone is a powerful stone for dispelling fears and phobias (chasing out the darkness!) It’s a strong stone, inspiring leadership, good luck and abundance. It also turns negative energy into positive. Essentially, it’s the perfect representation of its namesake. 

Golden Healer Quartz

Golden Healer Quartz is a super healer. It shines a light on what’s holding you back by calling in positive energy and high vibrations. It also has a high level of life force energy, which will be amplified by the summer solstice. Use this one wisely! 

Orange Calcite

Were orange creamsicles one of your favorite childhood treats? Orange Calcite, with is creamy orange color and chill vibes, bring back sweet summer memories. It helps get positive energy moving and is a powerful energy amplifier. Its powers of amplification make it a great crystal to work with, especially when paired with Sunstone or Citrine. 


Citrine carries the power of the sun, making it perfect for the summer solstice. Citrine is the stone of light, happiness and abundance - everything the summer solstice is known for. This crystal is also known as the most powerful manifestation stone. What better time to manifest than on the longest, brightest day of the year?

Crystal Knowledge: Flower Agate

Written by: Christin Ritz

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

First the crocuses bloomed, next the daffodils, then the tulips and lilacs... and now the flower agate! Cloudy pink or peach with mysterious floral formations inside, flower agate is sometimes mistaken for a fossil, but those "flowers" are actually chalcedony inclusions, just another example of the fractals Mother Nature has placed everywhere for us to try and figure out. Flower agate was only discovered in 2018 so it is extremely new as far as minerals go. It comes from Madagascar, a hotbed of amazing and unique crystals. Resonating with the heart, sacral and root chakras, it seems to bring a connection between those three energy centers. It exposes the pain we hold deep inside, allowing us to see the present moment, heal, release and "bloom" into our true selves, following our heart's desires.

Pink chalcedony is known for bringing a comforting feeling of interconnectedness and carnelian (an orange-red variety of agate) for replacing negative emotions with love, so flower agate is the perfect marriage of these two healing stones.

Crystal Knowledge: Rose Quartz

Written by: Christin Ritz

There's a good chance you already have this week's crystal in your collection, but there is SO much you might not know about rose quartz! From translucent to cloudy, bright to pale, so many are drawn to its pink hue. It makes a popular gift because of its appealing look, but it's also an energy powerhouse!

Known as the "love stone," it isn't just for romance, rose quartz connects us with family, our mothers, friendship, tender-loving-kindness, compassion, self-love and every other type of love you can think of. I think we can all agree the world needs more love!

There are lots of ways you can work with rose quartz to invite its energy into your life. You could display it in the places in your home you want to bring loving vibes, whether it be in the center of your dining room table for family dinners, or at your bedside for romantic nights. Try meditating with your rose quartz in hand a few minutes to connect to its vibration. Since it is water safe, you can add it to a bath and relax into its energy as you soak (perhaps add some rose petals too!)

As part of the quartz family, it pairs well with its quartz sisters:

  • citrine for some really feel-good energy

  • amethyst for a calm, love-thy-neighbor outlook

  • green aventurine for a lucky in love combination,

  • smokey quartz to not only detoxify negative thoughts, but to welcome the love we need for ourselves

Another amazing fact about rose quartz is that it’s one of many minerals that have triboluminescence. What that means is that when it is put under physical stress, it emits light! You can try it yourself if you rub two rough pieces together with a lot of friction in a dark room (wear eye protection for safety.) You will see a flash coming from inside the stone! This phenomenon is still not completely understood by scientists, but it sure seems to prove that crystals have real energy. The first documented use of triboluminescence was in rituals by the Uncompahgre Ute, indigenous people of Colorado and Utah, which are pretty fascinating to learn about.

If you already have rose quartz, hopefully this will help you find ways to make an even stronger connection with it, and if not, it is a must-have for every crystal lover!

Crystal Knowledge: Mother's Day Grid


Written by: Christin Ritz

In honor of Mother's Day, we created a grid for ancestral connection with our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and maternal elders who have passed on. Did you know that the egg you were created from was actually in your grandmother's womb? No wonder our maternal connections are so strong!

Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother's ovary. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother's blood before she herself is born. And this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through grandmothers to the first mother.
- Layne Redmond, "When the Drummers Were Women"

Just because they aren't physically here doesn't mean we can't connect, communicate and send gratitude to the women who brought us to earth. And even if you never got to meet, that doesn't mean she hasn't been keeping her cosmic eye on you as a spirit guide!

We started this grid by placing a clear quartz cluster in the center of a seed of life grid dloth. We surrounded it with six pieces of tumbled jet, a stone that lifts us up emotionally and assists with ancestor connection. Next, we added six pieces of turritella agate, which is known for strengthening connection to one's ancestry and homeland, as well as to the wisdom of past lives.

As you set up your grid, try to remember a place, a smell or a dinner you ate together. Sing a special song or anything else to bring in any of the five senses that connected you on earth. If you have any of your ancestor's jewelry or small possessions, you may add them to your grid. You can also add a photo of your loved one, write her a letter, or write her name and place it under the center of the grid cloth. If you don't know her name, you could simply write "my great grandmother."

Activate your grid using a wand, starting at the center stone and energetically connecting each crystal with an invisible line as you keep your intention in mind. Keep your grid where you will see it every day and leave it set for as long as you wish. You may update it with fresh flowers, candles or other accoutrements to reactivate it whenever you feel necessary.

Crystal Knowledge: Moonstone


Written by: Christin Ritz

Translucent and mysterious with stunning flash, moonstone is beloved by many. Harnessing the power of the moon and the water, moonstone relates to the lunar cycles, ebb and flow of the tides and female cycles. Here in the Sacral Chakra, we connect to our creativity, passion and feel all of the feels!

The energy of moonstone provides motherly, unconditional love and acceptance. It reduces emotional stress and adds nurturing in its place. Also connecting to the Third Eye Chakra, it can add depth to your perceptions, increase your intuition and awareness and assist in connecting to “source energy”. Perfect for anyone ready to embrace and be empowered by their feminine side!

Crystal Knowledge: Shiva Lingam

Written by: Christin Ritz

These distinctive two-tone stones come from just one place on earth - the Narmada River, a sacred site in India. From itty-bitty to giant, shiva lingam is unmistakable. These unique stones are used in Hindu tradition to symbolize Shiva and Kali, in other words, divine male and female energy giving birth to all of creation. Its combination of complementary opposites encompasses balance and the oneness of the universe. Shiva lingam stimulates your vitality, prana, fertility, and vigor for life and is used to stimulate Kundalini.

Mineralogically, they contain a mixture of quartz, iron, basalt and jasper (which are grounding stones). No two are exactly alike in their gray and reddish brown pattern. While some naturally form their elongated egg shape, most are polished. It would be a beautiful addition to the garden (see above!), a unique gift for anyone who's expecting or a stunning centerpiece for a Beltane celebration!

Crystal Knowledge: Jade


Written by: Christin Ritz

Jade is known for its calm, healing vibes as well as bringing prosperity. It’s been used for centuries and is often given as a talisman of good luck. Ancient Chinese royalty were buried in suits made of jade, sewn with gold thread. It has a long history of being carved into tools, weapons, ritual objects and jewelry.

Its healing and anti-aging properties have made it a popular choice for face-rollers and gau-shas. Put a piece of tumbled jade into water or oil and let it absorb the vibrations to make crystal-infused body spray or oil to use in your beauty rituals.

Crystal Knowledge: Tektite


Written by: Christin Ritz

If you have ever wanted a tool to assist opening up your crown chakra into other worlds and possibilities, we suggest you try tektite! It has cosmic vibes similar to what you find in moldavite (which is having quite a moment right now.) Moldavite is actually a kind of tektite, but this tektite is far more abundant on the planet and therefore more accessible and affordable. Far from ordinary, its cosmic connection is super high vibe and easily felt. It appears to be dull brown at first glance, but when you hold it to the light, it will have some transparency and a very interesting texture. That distinctive look is because it is technically *not* a crystal—it is actually meteoric glass and highly energetic!

The immense heat of a meteor strike causes the surface of the earth to melt and merge with the cosmic matter of the meteor. The mixture of liquefied space and earth matter flies high into the sky and cools quickly as it rains back to earth as little pieces of tektite - amazing!

Tektite is not only known to help with connecting to other worlds, but also creating connections with distant family and friends (which many of us need to do in 2021.) Place it on your third eye and meditate on opening communication or developing telepathy.

Tektite isn’t just for space cadets! The fact that it is a mix of space and earth material represents yin and yang, a mix of grounding and ascension, giving it a balanced energy. It’s also a great assistant for creativity and spiritual growth.

Crystal Knowledge: Celestite

Written by: Christin Ritz

Ahh... celestite. Feel those spa-like vibes? Named for the blue of the heavens above, this crystal brings inner and outer-peace as it calms communication and helps to mediate situations. The color is also reminiscent of cool waters that can bathe your stress away. Excellent for use in crystal meditations, it helps connect to the throat and third eye chakras to increase your spirituality and better understand a higher vision for the greater good. Bring it into your new moon rituals, using it to focus on what you wish to bring to life this cycle.

Crystal Knowledge: Green Aventurine

Written by: Christin Ritz

Aventurine occurs in many shades of green, from pale sage to deep moss. Across the spectrum, they resonate with the heart chakra and provide comfort. Not only is green the color of the Heart Chakra, but it is synonymous with growth, which makes a lot of sense, because if we focus on the love radiating from our hearts, we are are sure to manifest our dreams. And manifesting is pretty much the same as growing, don't you think?

Whether you’re wanting to grow emotionally or financially, your friendships, your career or into the person you dream to be - this the crystal for you! Coming from the Italian "a ventura," the name literally means "by chance" and it has been known as an all-around good luck stone for centuries. It is called the "stone of opportunity."

Like many of the most powerful energy crystals, aventurine is a type of quartz. In this case, the crystal fuchsite is also present, giving green aventurine its signature translucent and sparkly appearance, which is called "aventurescence" in the rock world.