Crystal Knowledge: Mother's Day Grid


Written by: Christin Ritz

In honor of Mother's Day, we created a grid for ancestral connection with our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and maternal elders who have passed on. Did you know that the egg you were created from was actually in your grandmother's womb? No wonder our maternal connections are so strong!

Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother's ovary. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother's womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother's blood before she herself is born. And this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through grandmothers to the first mother.
- Layne Redmond, "When the Drummers Were Women"

Just because they aren't physically here doesn't mean we can't connect, communicate and send gratitude to the women who brought us to earth. And even if you never got to meet, that doesn't mean she hasn't been keeping her cosmic eye on you as a spirit guide!

We started this grid by placing a clear quartz cluster in the center of a seed of life grid dloth. We surrounded it with six pieces of tumbled jet, a stone that lifts us up emotionally and assists with ancestor connection. Next, we added six pieces of turritella agate, which is known for strengthening connection to one's ancestry and homeland, as well as to the wisdom of past lives.

As you set up your grid, try to remember a place, a smell or a dinner you ate together. Sing a special song or anything else to bring in any of the five senses that connected you on earth. If you have any of your ancestor's jewelry or small possessions, you may add them to your grid. You can also add a photo of your loved one, write her a letter, or write her name and place it under the center of the grid cloth. If you don't know her name, you could simply write "my great grandmother."

Activate your grid using a wand, starting at the center stone and energetically connecting each crystal with an invisible line as you keep your intention in mind. Keep your grid where you will see it every day and leave it set for as long as you wish. You may update it with fresh flowers, candles or other accoutrements to reactivate it whenever you feel necessary.